Grants & Partnerships
Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you're thinking of applying for a grant or considering a partnership, find answers below to frequently asked questions.
Young People
Can I apply when I am 10 years old?
You can apply for a grant when you are 10 years old, but you must have had your 11th birthday before you start the project.
Can I apply when I am 18 years old?
Yes, provided that you begin your project prior to your 19th birthday.
What is the maximum grant?
There is no minimum grant but the maximum is £5,000 for any one project.
I need inspiration to design my project, where can I go?
Take a look on our Projects page to see what other young people have chosen. The main thing to remember is that the inspiration for the project must come from you, so consider exploring an issue in your community or a focus that interests you in particular.
Once I have sent in my application, how long will it be until I hear back?
We aim to inform applicants as soon as possible following the meeting.
If I am not awarded a grant, am I able to appeal?
Unfortunately not. The board of the Foundation might ask you for extra information to support your grant application, but the decision made is final. When we respond to you, we will always try to explain why your application has not been successful.
If my application is unsuccessful, can I apply again with a different proposal?
Yes. An unsuccessful application for a project does not stop you from applying again with a different proposal.
I have more questions to ask, who can I contact?
Email and someone will be in touch regarding your questions.
Adult Supervisors, teachers and youth group leaders
Can a teacher or youth leader apply on behalf of an individual/ class or group?
No. All our grants are for projects inspired and designed by 11-18 year olds. As the adult supervisor you can support young people with their application, but the idea and drive for the project must be theirs.
For Organisations
Does the foundation work with other youth organisations?
Yes. We have partnerships with other youth organisations in the UK and are always keen to explore new partnerships.
Do you give grants for staff wages?
No, we do not give any grants towards staff wages.