The Burns Price Foundation

An Introduction

Become A Change-Maker

It has been amazing to get the camps off the ground with funding from The Burns Price Foundation. I highly recommend others to apply and get their own projects going.

Mya-Rose Craig

Mya Honour 1

Dr Mya-Rose Craig

We congratulate Mya Rose Birdgirl Craig who was awarded a Honorary Doctor of Science at the University of Bristol, aged 17. Mya is the founder of, and inspiration behind Black2Nature – a project that has been in part funded by the Burns Price Foundation. Founding Trustee Peter Price was delighted to be present in Bristol to help Mya celebrate.

Our Goals

  • To help more young people with the skills and funds to complete community projects.
  • Enable positive change and development within young people and communities in the UK.

Who can receive a grant?

You are eligible to apply for a grant if:

  • You are aged between 11 and 18 years
  • You are enrolled in a UK school, college or youth group
  • You have an idea for a project in the UK that will make your community a better place
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About Us
Working together


We work alongside some great organisations. We are always looking out for the next collaborative opportunity.

Our Partners

This year we are sponsoring young people to attend a PeaceJam Slam! This is a one day conference where young people will participate in activities and listen to speeches based around their 2020 theme ‘Live Your Best Life’.

UPDATE: Event postponed due to Corona Virus (COVID-19)


I really enjoyed this opportunity and hope to do more in the future! Many thanks to The Burns Price Foundation from a 16 year old who was blessed with an opportunity.

Mehetabel, aged 16

Events you will find us at across the year.

UPDATE: Event postponed due to Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Latest News

Climate Change

Mya spoke at the recent Climate Change Rally in Bristol at which Greta Thunberg also spoke. Mya’s theme was diversity and indigenous people.